Why do the states complain about its employees who are against the reduced union roles in governments? News photos exhibit more females than males. Governments insisted on hiring more females than males over the years. Why? Because females work for about 60% of what a male earns. They endure twice the hell as a male. Females are scared they will lose their job and upset the harmony of their family.
If the male’s boss touches a very sensitive subject, he will instruct the boss to “take this job and shove it.” Females are different. They will take the hell their bosses give them with or without a comment. They are the rock or stable force behind the family. They will not complain about the treatment they receive, even if the treatment may violate the law. The only way they will challenge is after their dismissal, unless the legal action may jeopardize their future employment and the family’s status.
I still do not see the state’s problem. We citizens have been receiving compensation in the past from females working for lower wages. The State of Georgia has used this form for years. In Georgia, workers pay union dues directly. Public and Fire Safety have never been allowed to strike. The state will terminate them.
Besides, who is the largest union organizer in the state? Sorry, too late, but, the State of Georgia. Its work-at-will, ready-to-work, and licenses and certificates control labor in the same way as unions. It was legal for anyone to be a truck driver on the highways; but now, you need a CDL (certified driver”s license).
However, this could be a conflict-of-interest, one union controlling another union.
Next time, we will discuss as who is the largest welfare recipient.
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