Sunday, May 29, 2011

Somebody or some people

Somebody or someone has been playing with my other web blogs.  No one can access them some error 404 code.  I heard that hackers can access blogs and change routing.  I hope they are having fun because I send the same letters to newspaper for printing.  They may disrupt my blog; but, not my words.

Have fun!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Voting Precincts

Voting Precincts

Why do the state legislatures choose to go around the state to predict what the different voting precincts?  They know how they will draw the lines.  Lee County is conservative and Dougherty is liberal.  So, Lee County is the centerpiece of one voting precinct and Dougherty County is divided.  The gerrymandering is overdone.  Simply divide the state regardless of race, color, education, and etc.  A worker can drive from home to their work site and pass through two or three voting polls.

Also, the state media reports different candidates are running for the same office.  But, the ballot ticket has only one candidate (incumbent).  You research the candidates’ background, and you find their ideology, religion, education, and philosophical beliefs.  But, the State’s Secretary or Voter Registration office can or cannot discover the candidates’ qualifications before the candidate announces his or her run for office.  The candidates should present their office seeking idea to the Secretary’s office,  The Secretary’s office should have month to decision if and when the candidates will be placed the ballot.
Schweikert1.Intel   TM